Attorney-at-Law Petri Vesa has managed hundreds of assignments in the areas of environmental law, real property law, and energy law.
Examples of assignments and published articles:

Served as counsel to the Port of Hanko in an appeal matter related to the environmental permit of the Koverhar harbour in the Vaasa Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court, 2022–2024.

Served as counsel to Lahti Energia Oy in a matter concerning the definition of the main activity of an installation under the Industrial Emissions Directive, 2024.

Assisted Energiequelle GmbH in drawing up land lease agreements and other contracts for wind farms, 2017–2023.

Has been writing news articles on the Supreme Administrative Court’s legal practice for Edilex legal information service, 2023.

Served as counsel to NordFuel in the environmental permit matter of a new biorefinery in the Administrative Court of Vaasa and in the Supreme Administrative Court, and assisted Novox Oy in drawing up reports required for an environmental permit application for the biorefinery concerned, 2021–2023.

Assisted Tuulialfa in an appeal matter related to the master plan of the wind farm Turkkiselkä in the Administrative Court of Northern Finland and the Supreme Administrative Court, 2020–2023 (Supreme Administrative Court’s Yearbook Decisions, SAC 2023:57).

Assisted EPV Tuulivoima Oy in appeal matters related to regional land use planning, local master planning, and deviation decisions required for a wind farm in the Administrative Court of Northern Finland and the Supreme Administrative Court, 2018–2023 (Supreme Administrative Court’s Yearbook Decisions, SAC 2022:11, SAC 2022:12, and SAC 2023:59).

Assisted the environmental services of the town of Hamina and prepared a report on waste-related responsibilities in a situation in which a large volume of waste had not been appropriately managed, 2021

Served as counsel for Ovako Imatra Oy Ab in an appeal matter at the Administrative Court that concerned landfilling of waste containing organic matter, 2020–2021.

Prepared a report for Finnish Property Owners Rakli related to the planned reform of the Land Use and Building Act and the property owner’s right to prepare local plans, 2020.

Served as counsel to EPV Tuulivoima Oy in an appeal matter under the Act on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Procedure in the Administrative Court of Northern Finland and the Supreme Administrative Court, 2018–2020. (Supreme Administrative Court’s Yearbook Decision, SAC 2018:149).

Prepared a report for the Finnish Energy on the need for amendments to the legislation and regulations concerning the supervisors of the use of pressure equipment, 2019–2020.

Assisted Megatuuli Oy, Kalistanneva Wind Farm Oy and Matkussaari Wind Farm Oy in appeal matters related to the master plans of the wind farms of Kalistanneva and Matkussaari in Vaasa Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court, 2016–2020 (Supreme Administrative Court’s decision, 18 June 2020 t. 2641).

Assisted the municipality of Sipoo in the building ordinance reform and an appeal matter related to it, 2017–2020 (Supreme Administrative Court’s Yearbook Decision, SAC 2020:1).

Prepared statements and reports related to the application for an environmental permit and served as counsel to SSAB Europe Oy in an appeal matter related to the environmental permit of Hämeenlinna Works in Vaasa Administrative Court, 2016–2019.

Prepared statements and reports related to the application for an environmental permit and served as counsel to SSAB Europe Oy in an appeal matter related to the environmental permit of Raahe steel plant in Vaasa Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court, 2016–2019.

Wrote the article “Interaction between Energy Law and Environmental Law” for the publication “Energy Law in Finland”, Kluwer Law International, Second Edition 2018 (Laura Huomo, Kaisa Huhta, Petri Vesa, Alice Guimaraes-Purokoski, Jaakko Klemettilä, Arto Rajala and Leea Salminen).
Prepared, in collaboration with Novox Oy, a background report on the application of Best available techniques (BAT) conclusions for large combustion plants. Commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment, the Finnish Energy’s Environmental Research Pool and the Finnish Forest Industries Federation, 2017.
Wrote an article “Ympäristöllisiin lupapäätöksiin liittyvät aloittamisluvat” (in Finnish; Authorisations to commence related to environmental permit decisions), Ympäristöjuridiikka 2–3/2017, pp. 45–72.